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Optimize for Ad Revenue while Growing Marketplace Vibrancy

With quality score, big brands and small sellers are both rewarded for good behaviors, relevant campaigns and amazing offerings. Your marketplace dynamics will only get better with quality score instead of “killing the golden goose” - the ecosystem you worked hard for.

Boutique Sellers
International Brands

Connect with Your Customers

Customers engage with products they take interest in. Our algorithm receives that info and shows them products we predict they’ll click on.

Monetize Strategically

Winning ads will generate more clicks and purchases, while increasing user engagement.

Increase your CTR, Fill Rate

Having a 30-40% CTR increases a product’s quality score. High quality means high rankings, which lets them win auctions.

Machine Learning that directly Impacts Bottom Line

How often do you encounter softewares that claim to generate return but you cannot measure the uplift? Topsort was put to test against a legacy player in the market, and generated 5 times the ad revenue for the marketplace in the period of a month because of our relevance and quality score.

October 25, 2022
How Topsort 5x Linio’s revenue in 1 month using ML-based Quality Score

Linio is one of the most popular ecommerce marketplaces in Latin America, offering a wide variety of items from electronics to home goods to toys to clothing to perfume - over 4 million items in total. Early in 2021, Linio approached Topsort with an issue that they were facing.

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How to Quality Score

Pass through API
Quality score is an optional field in Topsort’s auction API. Our data science team will help you calculate and customize.
Machine Learning Algorithm
Our algorithm takes preferences for ROAS targets on both marketplace and advertiser level.

Quality Scores and Ad

“There's some interest in how and why "quality scores" are used in search engine ad auctions. In this post, we will try to describe "why" we use quality scores; a later post will go into "how," including more information about bids.”

Hal Varian, Chief Economist Google Official Blog