Topsort VS CitrusAD
Compare Toposort with CitrusAd to see how our solutions stack up.
Pick the right retail media solution for your business
Take a look at our side by side comparison with CitusAd to see how we stack up against: Mindset & Innovation, Privacy & Data Regulation, Performance Based Scaling, Flexibility & Customization, Reporting and Integrations.
Side by Side Differences
There's a lot of elements to look at when deciding who to partner with. This table highlights a few key points we hear:
Our Bidless™ retail media platform was created by the pioneer of 2nd priced auctions, and we have revolutionized retail media by democratizing this powerful auction technology.
Stuck in the old ways of doing retail media. Struggling to keep up with Topsort’s trailblazing technology and performance driven approach.
Founder-owned and dedicated to a cookie-less approach. Providing customers with complete peace of mind regarding privacy concerns.
Owned by agencies, and operates within a framework that leverages user data, raising privacy concerns.
Exclusive ROAS optimization, seamlessly integrated within the dashboard, driving unparalleled performance-based scaling.
Their approach lacks the flexibility and scalability demanded by the modern retail media landscape.
Unparalleled modularity, offering a platform and full stack of 7 APIs for customization and an extensive amount of integrated solutions.
Inflexible platform with limited in-house components, leading to restricted control and autonomy for marketplaces.
Empower your decision making with real-time analytics and comprehensive global reporting.
No access to real time campaign data which hinders the ability to make data-driven decisions.
Fast integration within 3-4 weeks with our API first approach or within days via our out of the box proxy low-code integration system.
Slow integration, can take up to months to integrate full with CitrusAd.